A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

When the Galactic Republic defeated the Sith in the Great Hyperspace War, they thought they had defeated darkness forever. Unfortunately, darkness was already growing within. Dark Jedi began to sweep the galaxy, intent on destroying the Jedi Order forever. Seeking the long-lost Sith homeworld of Korriban, they track down a fallen Padawan, who may be the galaxy’s only hope for salvation. The Jedi are determined to save this fallen Padawan at all costs, but it may already be too late…

Lords of Hatred is a tabletop role-playing game show that ran in 2022. The players use a Star Wars hack of the The Burning Wheel role-playing game called Star Systems to generate a collaborative story that changes and grows as the characters change and grow. Caleb acts as the Game Master the facilitator of the game and the narrator who fills in the characters, places, and events of a galaxy far, far away.