The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in the king’s palaces.
— Proverbs 30:28

Valamar. The City of Spiders. Once the most prosperous seaport in the Sinaic Cradle, under the rule of the Sunassi it has now been reduced to a shadow of its former glory. While no one is quite sure from where the monstrous arachnids came, over the last two-hundred years of dominance they have begun to overstay their welcome. Now, in the last foothold against the Sunassi—Arvandus University—a group of scholars and students are the world’s only hope against the coming rule of the great spiders and their horrible goddess. All webs must burn.

The Weave Below is a tabletop role-playing game show currently being played on a special Discord server. The players use the Burning Wheel to generate a collaborative story that changes and grows as the characters change and grow. Caleb acts as the Game Master, the facilitator of the game and the worldbuilder of the setting of The Weave Below: Lilira, a world of magic, intrigue, and secrets.